Sunday, April 16, 2006

Was the WP engaging in payback against left bloggers?

Whiskey Bar thinks so and thinks they should be looking at the other side of this bipolar debate. The WP is very defensive after facing many thousands of critical emails and comments about recent poor editorial judgments.

There are Other Faces of the Angry Left.

Some got angrier while denying they were "the angry left":
I got angry reading it, because frankly, it was portraying ME, and all of US, as some sort of braying horde of pitchfork and torch crowd that comes online merely to yell at each other about the bastards that run our government. Apparently, we all use profanity ALL the time, and the appearance of actual rational discourse doesn't exist here, or anywhere, in the so-called left blogosphere.
Another sees the Vile Laziness Of The DC Press.

Anne Coulter "laughingly" calls for a Supreme Court Justice to be poisoned to death, and there is not a peep from the SCLM about "anger."

ADDED: Mary Scott O'Conner responds.

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