Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A little Right-wing Sparkle at the Chron

The second political reader blogger is a Republican who grow up in Mississippi but used to be a Democrat. Looking through her other diary that should be clarified as used to be until she went to college and fell in love with Reagan politics. So, she may have voted for a Democrat or two her first time at the ballot box, or not. She supposedly is as Arianna Huffington was, a conservative Republican with a heart and a social conscience. Arianna, after being feted by Newt Gingrich as the conscience of the GOP, wised up and left the party after being exposed to the dark underbelly of GOP politics. Sparkler has embraced God's Own Party.

Rightwingsparkler indicates that her father also used to be an elected Democrat and implies they supported desegregation. Most elected Mississippi Democrats that long ago were racists and are now Republicans. Which White politician in Mississippi supported desegregation and didn't get voted out of office? The only evidence against the supposition he was just like all White Democratic leaders in Mississippi of that time was she says that she was among the first whites to attend a desegregated school. But by the late 60's that is actually the typical experience of whites growing up in the South while meanwhile their political leaders are using code words or not so code words to identify where they stood, leaving the Democratic Party in droves and railing against the Federal government. In sparkler's case, she looks like a typical favored daughter of the South. I have searched her sites for examples of her growing up but all I can find is her "explanation" that Democrats cause black poverty and broken homes. I don't expect great illumination from her, everything will likely be like just another right-wing robot - Southern Mom style. You can also look at her links to Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin for an idea of some of her current heroes.

Based on this record there is room for another political reader blog at the Chron - a conservative Democrat concerned about values, of course. Zell Miller or Joe Liebermann may be available, if Joememtum isn't too liberal. (Suggesting Zell and Joe was sarcasm for you Republicans.) Arianna Huffington might also be considered by the Chronicle, she moved away from the right but is never quite comfortable with the Democratic Party.


Anonymous said...

I think what you have discovered is not some republican/conservative bias at chron.com but simply the fact that politicized right-wing bloggers might be more likely to seek more mainstream venues like chron.com, while others (lemming, kuff, etc) might prefer running their own site.

Gary said...

Difficult to say. At first I was thinking that they were wanting to pick relatively non-controversial moderate centrists but then the more I looked into sparkler that seemed to be more appearance than reality.

I could be wrong, I haven't looked much more than I described here but she seems a typical upper middle class Southern gal, goes to college, conservative parents, moves over to the Republicans after "the Feds" got out of hand in the South and with Reagan putting a pleasant face on Republican conservatism.

Like RightMom who emailed me about Lone Star Times stating that it had a variety of opinions when it is the only dittoheads from AM700, most conservatives have moved so far into a right media echo chamber that they don't realize it is the current version of the John Birch Society or what that even means.