Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kinky says he needs 'Texas miracle' to win

Concedes the best he can hope for is second and he might come in fourth. This is a winner-take-all election, no runoff. A vote for Kinky leaves Perry in office.


Anonymous said...

Kinky lost me during the debate. No substance unless it fits in a one-liner. I voted Bell on Sunday in the heavy right area of Montgomery county. I tell most of my repub friends (yea, I got `em. They're good folks that are more liberal than they know) to vote for Stayhorn if they can't stomach the "liberal" lable of Bell(and don't want to have to research it - I think to myself) and think Perry is a fuck-up.

Gary said...

My Republican friends I tell to vote for Kinky or Strayhorn if they can't vote for Bell. (How can they not vote for Bell - there is no issue he has taken a controversial stand on? Because he is a Democrat, just like Perry and Strayhorn were until not that many years ago.)