Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The campaign

The Cardens sent me that.

I made a "terrorist" hot tea and a bagel. BTW, isn't it amazing how so many of McCain's supporters were communists? Is that why he wants the government to buy people's homes? Nah, this is just more desperate flailing from a desperate clueless campaign.

Obama: "I can take four more weeks of John McCain’s attacks, but the American people can’t take four more years of John McCain’s Bush policies."

Bring back the YouTube debates. Here are the questions voters want answered.

Please join me in supporting Harris County Coordinated Campaign 2008! Click to see details and contribute now. - from my fellow election judge Carolyn Franks.

12 days before early voting begins.

Here are all the state candidates in Texas and here is the Harris County sample ballot.

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