Democratic side.
Milbank reports on Hillary having a victory party bigger than the victory.
A 59% female vote primary gives the most ardent non-campaigner and panderer the win.
Clinton announced plans for the Florida celebration on Sunday, the same day she held a trio of fundraisers in Florida and accepted the endorsement of the Miami mayor while pressing some flesh for the cameras. On Monday, her campaign claimed the endorsement of Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida, while pro-Clinton unions continued sending out mailings in her support.Super Duper Tuesday looks to be in Hillary Clinton's favor.
All of this sounded suspiciously like campaigning. But aides said they were merely trying to protect the people of Florida who, despite the campaign's "scrupulous" refusal to campaign in the state, showed up to vote for Clinton anyway.
Walter Shapiro: Did Hillary Clinton really win in Florida? Ezra Klein: A victory with a sour taste.
Houston Chronicle -Edwards drops out.
I really think Florida, and Democratic primary voters, has given the presidency to the GOP again.
Rasmussen National Poll:
McCain 48% Clinton 40%
McCain 47% Obama 41%
Republican Side
McCain - Romney battle ends with McCain victory
McCain positioned to be big winner Super Duper Tuesday.
Big losers again, Rush Limbaugh and Republican base voters, and rightie bloggers.
Pragmatic Republicans position themselves for general election. Democrats shoot themselves in the foot at start of presidential race, per usual.
Almost forgot - Democratic vote depressed due to lack of meaning.
99% counted
Alexandria also disappointed, as is PDiddie.
Greg Wythe pointed out the Florida vote by county maps. The rich east coast of Miami to Palm Beach did not like Edwards or Huckabee's populism.
The perception from across the ocean.
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